Opening Outline of Dynamic Capabilities

Introduction to dynamic capabilities The study of dynamic capabilities, the organization’s capacity to change its operations and adapt them to the environmental requirements, has taken centre stage in the debate on strategic management as well as organization theory (Teece, Pisano and Shuen 1997, Eisenhardt and Martin 2000, Zollo and Winter 2002, Winter 2003) in recent … More Opening Outline of Dynamic Capabilities

Understanding your innovation capabilities to make them more dynamic

The Nine Stages that are needed for developing an understanding of your innovation capabilities, so as to make them more dynamic and as a result to be at the top of your innovation game. This “step process” I believe gets you to the point of understanding what innovation capabilities are a better ‘fit’ for the … More Understanding your innovation capabilities to make them more dynamic

Nine steps leading to understanding your dynamic innovation capabilities

The Nine Steps needed for developing an understanding of your innovation capabilities to make them more dynamic. This is my adopted approach to work through this in a systematic way. No question, this is designed to make sure those involved take their time working through the different levels of understanding needed. A journey where you … More Nine steps leading to understanding your dynamic innovation capabilities

The Orchestrator needs to orchestrate your innovation capabilities.

To deliver innovation, sustaining innovation, it needs to be built on dynamic skills, then you have to learn how you can orchestrate the capabilities you have, with those you have to bring in. Building on those that give the necessary dynamic result you are looking for; to purposefully build what is needed to deliver the … More The Orchestrator needs to orchestrate your innovation capabilities.

Recognizing the different capabilities to develop and grow

A firm’s ordinary capabilities are the ones that enable us to perform efficiently and effectively, those essential routines and practices that often require having a high level of technical need supporting these activities. In contrast, dynamic capabilities are those higher level competencies that determine a firm’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure both the resources … More Recognizing the different capabilities to develop and grow

The Orchestrator needs to orchestrate your innovation capabilities.

To deliver innovation, sustaining innovation, it needs to be built on dynamic skills, then you have to learn how you can orchestrate the capabilities you have, with those you have to bring in. Building on those that give the necessary dynamic result you are looking for; to purposefully build what is needed to deliver the … More The Orchestrator needs to orchestrate your innovation capabilities.

The dynamic points of innovation understanding

Have you ever studied a map in a hilly or mountainous terrain? When you are studying the terrain, you have to survey the landscape and then decide how to cross. You need to be aware of what to avoid and what will help you map out a successful pathway. You need to optimize, evaluate and … More The dynamic points of innovation understanding

Shifting our dynamics to innovate within the digital age

There was a report written back in 2013 entitled and under, “The New Normal: Competitive advantage in the digital economy” written for the Big Innovation Centre, an initiative of The Work Foundation and Lancaster University that I would recommend your time to read. I often go back to this as it provides a real source … More Shifting our dynamics to innovate within the digital age

Recognizing the different capabilities to develop and grow

A firm’s ordinary capabilities are the ones that enable us to perform efficiently and effectively, those essential routines and practices that often require having a high level of technical need supporting these activities. In contrast, dynamic capabilities are those higher level competences that determine a firm’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure both the resources … More Recognizing the different capabilities to develop and grow

Understanding the dynamics within your innovation system

The work of David Teece is hugely influential on exploring dynamic capabilities.  It was my reading of one of his early papers, published in 1997 (with Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen) that got me started down the dynamics path and my quest to identify the innovation landscape required by each organization to become innovation fit. … More Understanding the dynamics within your innovation system

Establishing Distinct Capabilities for Innovation Success

The emphasis needs to be placed upon building distinct capabilities for innovation success. “the dynamics within the existing capabilities need to be fully understood and then you need to design the new capabilities on clear understanding of the direction, vision and mission required from innovation to be more successful in meeting the strategic needs”. Irrespective, … More Establishing Distinct Capabilities for Innovation Success

Orchestration is required for dynamic Innovation

I had not recognized the incredible power of “orchestration” needed in innovation as much as I should have done. Of course it was there, actually all around us, going on all the time but it was not as ‘loud and clear’ in my thinking as it should have been. The blind spot had been my … More Orchestration is required for dynamic Innovation

Innovation fitness dynamics – to engage with and recognize the need to change.

There is a continuing need is to build the management of innovation into a clear organizational capability, where innovation becomes a continuous effective innovation process. To this end I have produced a conceptual model of what constitutes the ‘make up’ for providing an ongoing innovation performance engine- the innovation fitness landscape and the dynamics– that … More Innovation fitness dynamics – to engage with and recognize the need to change.

Finding time for dynamics within the capacity to innovate

Do we know what  the dependencies and complementaries for building and sustaining innovation success are? How do you sustain innovation, is it more through the structuring of everyday work, by creating a particular set of social rules and resources that foster specific routines? Really, that does seem to me as sounding a little too easy, … More Finding time for dynamics within the capacity to innovate

Identifying your critical innovation capabilities

My work on dynamic capabilities for innovation Over a period of the last thirty months or so, I have been studying and researching this whole area. I have some hypotheses that need testing but the outcome of this effort to date has got me closer to believing we can achieve greater identification with those distinct … More Identifying your critical innovation capabilities

Knowing where your innovation fitness comes from

Are we in a more Darwinian world perhaps? I’d suggest that today innovation is caught up in the survival race, where the bolder ones are more innovation fit and pulling further ahead. We need many more organizations to get out of this survival trap and exploiting innovation in bolder ways, become fitter in their innovating … More Knowing where your innovation fitness comes from

Defining Innovation Capital

My definition of what makes up innovation capital: “Innovation capital is the sum of all that promotes the development and changes required for achieving innovation outcomes, within one organization or its broader networked environment, for marketplace advantage” “These are made up of the resources, processes, knowledge, and capabilities, that are constantly evolving and highly dynamic … More Defining Innovation Capital

The world is working within increased complexity, are you?

The challenges of managing in today’s worlds are tough, very tough and demanding. It is so volatile, potentially disruptive and full of risk. Organizations are simply struggling to shed their clothes in the 20th century and find a way to smoothly manage to become more adaptable and agile in form. They are adjusting to offer … More The world is working within increased complexity, are you?

Struggling with counting ALL the sums of our capital

Organizations have been focused for far too long around the importance of financial capital. It determines and drives organizations destinies. We are caught in a constant focus upon our achieving a return on our (financial) capital as our measuring criteria. Organizations strive for improving their ROCE, RONA, IRR,  EVA and a host of other financial … More Struggling with counting ALL the sums of our capital

Understanding that innovation capital becomes your new core

Much of my focus within my work is to move organizations towards recognizing and expanding their innovation capital or stock. The hard part for many organizations is that many of the key elements of innovation capital consist of many intangibles as well as tangibles and this needs deeper understanding and appreciation. These intangibles are in … More Understanding that innovation capital becomes your new core

9 Stages for building innovation fitness

Achieving innovation fitness is a journey- to get there we often have to manage the switchbacks as we build our capabilities and capacities to innovate. Getting Started – Understanding the Needs & Imperatives of Innovation Fitness Why we must travel this critical path for Innovation. The meaning of dynamic capabilities and innovation fitness landscapes Merging … More 9 Stages for building innovation fitness

Peeling away the terrain of innovation reality

So do we have a clear understanding of where we are in our current innovation capabilities? We have to establish a way to map our ‘terrain of reality’ in not just how we are performing but what lost opportunities have slipped through, simply because we lacked the awareness to seize on these opportunities when we … More Peeling away the terrain of innovation reality

Do you REALLY want to know how to innovate?

Applying a lens of discovery: The basic questions that need to be addressed are: “what are our dynamic capabilities that will deliver innovation impact? More importantly: “which ones should we focus upon to improve our capabilities and competencies over the longer-term? We recognize resources are scarce as our starting point Yet we fail to understand … More Do you REALLY want to know how to innovate?

It is all innovation talk, not much real doing.

All companies talk about innovation and its growing importance but it seems to me very few succeed in actually doing it on a repeatable scale. So have you ever asked what inhibits innovation? What would drive innovation success? What aspects of innovation are critical to have so innovative growth can be achieved? Where should a … More It is all innovation talk, not much real doing.

Restating the Value Proposition of Innovation Fitness

I have been reviewing my work on innovation fitness landscapes, in the designing and understanding of the dynamic capabilities organizations constantly need to find, evolve and establish for sustaining successful innovation. Those that are more essential to manage the growing complexity in moving towards achieving successful and sustaining innovation outcomes. I felt it was time … More Restating the Value Proposition of Innovation Fitness

9 Stages for building innovation fitness

Achieving innovation fitness is a journey- to get there we often have to manage the switchbacks as we build our capabilities and capacities to innovate. Getting Started – Understanding the Needs & Imperatives of Innovation Fitness Why we must travel this critical path for Innovation. The meaning of dynamic capabilities and innovation fitness landscapes Merging … More 9 Stages for building innovation fitness

Defining Innovation Capital

My definition of what makes up innovation capital: “Innovation capital is the sum of all that promotes the development and changes required for achieving innovation outcomes, within one organization or its broader networked environment, for market place advantage” “These are made up of the resources, processes, knowledge and capabilities, that are constantly evolving and highly … More Defining Innovation Capital

Understanding that innovation capital becomes your new core

Much of my focus within my work is to move organizations towards recognizing and expanding their innovation capital or stock. The hard part for many organizations is that many of the key elements of innovation capital consist of many intangibles as well as tangibles and this needs deeper understanding and appreciation. These intangibles are in … More Understanding that innovation capital becomes your new core

Combining four foundation pillars.

We need to think about recognizing the ‘combining effects’ of four foundation pillars; of value creation (vc), business models (bm), intellectual capital assets (ica) and innovation capital (ic). It is the dynamics within the multiple combinations that will generate the future wealth creation we need. We are in need of having a better understanding of … More Combining four foundation pillars.

Struggling with counting ALL the sums of our capital

Organizations have been focused for far too long around the importance of financial capital. It determines and drives organizations destinies. We are caught in a constant focus upon our achieving a return on our (financial) capital as our measuring criteria. Organizations strive for improving their ROCE, RONA, IRR,  EVA and a host of other financial … More Struggling with counting ALL the sums of our capital

The world is working within increased complexity, are you?

The challenges of managing in today’s worlds are tough, very tough and demanding. It is so volatile, potentially disruptive and full of risk. Organizations are simply struggling to shed their clothes of the 20th century and find a way to smoothly manage into becoming more adaptable and agile in form. They are adjusting to offer … More The world is working within increased complexity, are you?

The value of fitness landscapes as part of your innovation awareness

I’d like you to work through these ‘thoughts’ to begin to evaluate the value of knowing your innovation fitness and what makes up your distinct dynamic capabilities: By firstly mapping out your innovation capabilities to the task at hand enables you to understand and relate to what is needed – we call that the context for … More The value of fitness landscapes as part of your innovation awareness

Knowing where your innovation fitness comes from

Are we in a more Darwinian world perhaps? I’d suggest that today innovation is caught up in the survival race, where the bolder ones are more innovation fit and pulling further ahead. We need many more organizations to get out of this survival trap and exploiting innovation in bolder ways, become fitter in their innovating … More Knowing where your innovation fitness comes from

Knowing your innovation core

I think we all recognize that innovation is made up of both tangible and intangible assets. It is the marriage of these two that makes innovation a unique capability to manage in well-structured ways. It is the people engaged in innovation activity that make it work.  Everything else, the process, structures, technologies and management systems … More Knowing your innovation core

Continuing the Innovation Journey- connecting the points

I’m constantly learning, reading, absorbing and interpreting what I understand and then attempting to provide my thoughts to others, those willing to listen about innovation! Innovation capability building is my 100% focus from my work point of view. I’m comfortable in much of the understanding of what makes up innovation, totally restless in so much … More Continuing the Innovation Journey- connecting the points

Explaining Fitness Landscapes

Firstly what are Fitness Landscapes? In any competitive situation, the survival of the fittest dominates (Darwinian). Knowing your innovation fitness is essential in this race. The question often raised is where do I focus my limited resource to achieve a better fitness to be successful at innovation? Mapping out your innovation capabilities to the task … More Explaining Fitness Landscapes

The Outcomes Expected from this Work

All I can  share are the result outcomes I would like to achieve from this work with you: Expected results I am seeking out of this work for you will lead too: A framework that moves towards a company-wide development program that gains identification and the target of company-wide improvement of routines and different skills … More The Outcomes Expected from this Work

We simply do need to know

We do need to understand Dynamics Capabilities and the organizations fitness to innovate. Firm resources are scarce; we still don’t understand the ‘dynamics’ of innovation, the interdependency of the parts, this framework I’m presently working upon sets out to achieve this. Which parts have greater impact, which are not so important? Innovation is still not … More We simply do need to know

So what are Innovation Fitness Landscapes?

“The greater the fitness to innovate will equate to more value creation potential.” I believe we do need to provide a solution to this understanding the innovation challenge by constructing a more comprehensive framework. Part of my present work is to find a working model to achieve this, I’m getting close. It is this critical … More So what are Innovation Fitness Landscapes?

Moving towards Innovations Capability Coherence

Innovation often fails to align with the strategic needs. This is often not the fault of the innovator happily working away with no specific guidelines, apart from the general remit of “we need to be more innovative”, it lies in the boardroom not communicating the board’s needs clearly enough down the organization. Building up our … More Moving towards Innovations Capability Coherence

Cracking the complexity code

There was a good article within the McKinsey Quarterly, published in 2007 entitled “Cracking the complexity code” written by three authors Suzanne Heywood, Jessica Spungin and David Turnbull. They lead this article with “one view of complexity that holds that it is largely a bad thing- that simplification generally creates value by removing unnecessary costs”. … More Cracking the complexity code

Organizational legacy so often chokes innovation

    Often organizations are weighed down by legacy; it chokes off innovation and much of the potential creativity. This comes in many forms; in its culture, in its history, its core markets or products, in its systems, structures, and processes built around innovation practice. Today, we are confronted with a very different global marketplace … More Organizational legacy so often chokes innovation

One pressing need in Innovation understanding.

There is a really pressing need in Innovation to tackle and resolve and that’s our capabilities to innovate. Yet do we know which are the critical factors for sustaining innovation success? What capabilities are needed to be built? What are not so necessary and will occur more naturally due to us finding these dynamic ones? … More One pressing need in Innovation understanding.

Holding the innovations of the future back

I clearly believe we do need to understand the strategic importance of the make-up of our innovation capital, yet presently nearly all our corporate boards lack any clear line of sight into this. Why? Not understanding what makes up the capital is holding innovation back. We are actually constraining growth through this lack of understanding … More Holding the innovations of the future back

All the capitals ‘fire’ innovation so as to make it combustible.

More often than not when we talk within business of capital we tend to default to the financial kind. Of course providing the financial capital into innovation is vital; it provides the potential ‘burn’ but what is often understated and certainly under-appreciated is the other capitals. These capitals when combined ‘fire’ innovation, they make it … More All the capitals ‘fire’ innovation so as to make it combustible.

Organizational legacy often chokes innovation

Often organizations are weighed down by legacy; it chokes off innovation and much of the potential creativity. This comes in many forms; in its culture, in its history, its core markets or products, in its systems, structures and processes built around innovation practice. Today, we are confronted with a very different global market place than … More Organizational legacy often chokes innovation

Greater fitness in innovation offers more value creation potential

The greater fitness you achieve equates to more value creation potential. The ability to inter‐couple landscape entities, to constantly combine the different capabilities in different often unique ways and exploit individual interactions alters your dynamics to innovate and does improve repeatable cycle times from this constant recreation potential. The key is to know what these … More Greater fitness in innovation offers more value creation potential

Understanding the value creation potential of fitness landscapes

The greater fitness you achieve equates to more value creation potential. The ability to inter‐couple landscape entities, to constantly combine the different capabilities in different often unique ways and exploit individual interactions alters your dynamics to innovate and does improve repeatable cycle times from this constant recreation potential. The key is to know what these … More Understanding the value creation potential of fitness landscapes